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Vanquish ME London at Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics

vanquish prices & info - wimbledon clinic aesthetics

We are pleased to announce the addition of the NEW Vanquish Me body sculpting product to Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics. If you are looking for easy, painless and speedy abdominal fat reduction, then the latest release of this award-winning body sculpting device is the ideal choice.

Vanquish ME (Maximum Energy) body sculpting in London is the latest version from BTL, and already it has won awards for its fantastic results.

The original Vanquish device only targeted the abdomen, and the NEW Vanquish ME device comes with arm and leg panels to allow all over body fat reduction and focused results. It gives a full course of treatment within four weeks - without the downtime or pain of invasive surgery.

Suppose you are in or around London Near Raynes Park, Southfields, Colliers Wood or other areas around SW19. Then get in touch. At Wimbledon Clinic, Aesthetics, results and excellent service come as standard.

The Vanquish ME fat dissolving tech for fat loss treatment thats painless

Vanquish ME Treatment BEFORE & AFTERS

free vanquish consultation see if its the right treatment for abdomen weight loss fat in wimbledon

Vanquish ME Free Assessment - 30 mins

Abdomen - 60 mins

£400 - PAYGO £1,200 - 4 treatment package, buy 3 get the 4th FREE: To treat an abdomen, which goes from flank to flank, takes 45 minutes. Time is 1 hour as the machine is calibrated and there is some time to change and ask questions.

vanquish on thighs

Thighs - 90 mins

£400 - PAYGO £1,200 - 4 treatment package, buy 3 get the 4th FREE: For both thighs, treatment time is 30 minutes per thigh (60 minutes total treatment time) plus set up, calibration, questions means we allow a 90min booking. At Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics we feel this area is about the same size as a abdominal area and so change the same even though we will likerly see you for longer than a abdominal vanquish session.

Upper Arms (wings) - 60 mins

£350 - PAYGO £1,050 - 4 treatment package, buy 3 get the 4th FREE: For both wings, treatment time is 30 minutes per upper arms (60 minutes total treatment time) plus set up, calibration and questions mean we allow a 90min booking. At Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics we feel this area is about the same size as an abdominal area and so change the same even though we will likely see you for longer than an abdominal Vanquish session.

Disclaimer: This site is not a diagnostic tool and although you may feel your condition matches a description on this site your case may be more advanced, better or completely different to another individual. With that in mind, please understand that Individual results may vary from person to person. A Consultation is recommended to assess suitability.