4 crucial questions about laser hair removal: an effective, safe treatment for unwanted hair

4 crucial questions about laser hair removal: an effective, safe treatment for unwanted hair
It's entirely true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and no one should feel they need to conform. But if too much hair in the wrong place is making you feel anxious or self-conscious, then it's a problem you need to solve for the sake of your emotional well-being.
Unfortunately, the common solutions have their drawbacks...
Shaving irritates your skin and often causes coarser regrowth. Depilatory creams are expensive and don't always work as well as the makers promise. However, there's an alternative that's fast increasing in popularity. Laser hair removal is an effective, safe, and long-lasting way to deal with unwanted hair.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal works by focusing short but powerful pulses of light onto the base of growing hairs. This kills them from their roots upward, and they fall out naturally a few days or weeks after treatment. The majority of treated hair follicles will then completely stop growing. The rest will be restricted to very fine, virtually unnoticeable growth in the future.
Is the treatment painful?
The laser beam used in the treatment is tightly focused on the hair follicle's base and doesn't burn any surrounding tissue. This means there is no pain involved. However, some people feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation during treatment, but this can be soothed with a gentle cooling gel offered by your technician.
Which areas can be treated?
Unwanted hair from any part of the body can be safely removed by a qualified and experienced technician.
How many sessions are needed?
The treatment only kills hairs which are currently in their growth stage. As not all hair follicles are active at once, most people need several sessions to fully clear an area. Although the number will vary depending on the thickness of hair growth, most people are happy with the results after four to six treatments.
Many people are perfectly happy with their natural hair, but if yours is making you miserable, or if you just want to be free from regular shaving or waxing, then laser hair removal is a solution you should seriously consider.