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5 simple tips for clearer, brighter skin

5 simple tips for clearer, brighter skin

Sometimes the idea of having perfect skin can feel like an impossibility. A skincare routine can feel like a time-consuming task that the average person cannot keep up with. Here are five simple tips for clearer, brighter skin that fit into your busy day-to-day life.

1. Wash face before bed

Washing your face before bed means that you can clear any impurities and oils that have built up over the day which can clog your pores and lead to blackheads and spots. If you have been avoiding washing and cleansing your face daily, a CACI facial may be a good idea to get your skin to a neutral and clear place.

2. Steam your face

This can be done during your shower. The heat helps to open up your pores which ultimately helps to clear dirt and other impurities trapped inside. This can easily be done by adding hot water to flannel and laying out over your face for 2-3 minutes at a time.

3. Tap, don't rub!

There is a common myth that the more you rub, the cleaner you become. For your skincare, that simply isn't the case. Rough treatment of your skin can damage the surface layer, leaving your skin red and sensitive. Instead, tap your skin with two fingers in a circular motion. It is much gentler on your skin and will help keep it bright and healthy.

4. Use an essence between your toner and moisturiser

An essence or emulsion is an extra serum that you can put on between your cleanser, toner, and moisturiser. Whether your issue is oily skin, dryness or redness, there is an essence that will target that and help alleviate the issue. However, if you don't want to add an extra step to your skincare routine and want something that can act a lot faster, facial such as mesotherapy can be a great minimally invasive facial.

5. Masks can make a huge difference

Face masks and facials are fantastic for ensuring your skin is getting enough nutrition that can promote brightness, smoothness, and elasticity. Some masks can be used daily at home, or alternatively, you could swap a mask for a facial. There are a vast range of facials, some generalised and others very specific to your needs.