3 things to change in your skincare regime in spring
3 things to change in your skincare regime in spring
Spring is an important season to get right in skincare. As the temperatures begin to rise, the way your skin looks and feels changes. It can be very frustrating to notice that, just as the sun finally starts to come out, your face is looking dull and tired! The months of ice-cold wind and drying central heating undoubtedly take a toll on our complexions. Here are three proven ways to counteract the less than the optimal appearance of post-winter skin.
1. Vitamin C Boost
If you only have the time or budget for one change, consider switching from a moisturiser to a Vitamin C serum. A moisturiser, even if it is luxurious and expensive, essentially sits on top of your skin, creating a barrier between your skin and harsh weather conditions. Very useful for winter months when your main concern is dryness, but not so much in the spring. Vitamin C has been proven to combat skin dullness; it encourages cell turnover and imparts skin with that healthy glow we all desire.
2. Exfoliate!
Spring is also the time to step up your exfoliation game. Now is not the time to slow down! Consider swapping mechanical exfoliation for a high-quality liquid exfoliant. A scrub may disturb the acid mantle of your skin and dry it out. A dedicated acid cleanser, on the other hand, loosens dead skin cells without disrupting your skin’s balance. Less can be more, and a product with multiple acids may not be necessary. A lactic acid-based cleanser may well deliver if dullness is your main concern, while a glycolic-based product will be particularly beneficial to acne-prone skins.
3. Protect your skin
Last but not least, do remember to use sunscreen. After the winter, and especially if you use liquid exfoliants or retinol-based products, your skin is very vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV rays as the sun gets stronger. There are two things to consider when choosing your sunscreen product: it has to be strong enough (think factor 30), and it needs to be fresh. Resist the temptation to reuse the unfinished bottle from last year as its efficacy may be diminished, and it may even cause breakouts. To up your skincare game even more with advanced skin treatments, such as rejuvenating facials or skin peels, why not get in touch with us at Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics