Beginner's guide to Vanquish ME

Beginner's guide to Vanquish ME
With summer holidays fast approaching and bikini body times on the horizon, you might want to think about Vanquish ME to reduce any of the stubborn fat cells on your abdomen and thighs. Creating and enhancing perfect body lines for summer swimwear is a lot easier when body shaping treatments are utilised. Vanquish ME can help anybody achieve the looks they want for the abdomen and thighs, irrespective of total body mass index (BMI) levels. So what does Vanquish ME actually do?
BTL Vanquish ME - Technology Made For Results
Vanquish ME uses selective heating technology to destroy the adipose tissue (fatty cells) on the entire abdomen and inner and outer thighs. Initial treatments lead to shrinkage of the cells, then total elimination. This is a truly comfortable body shaping treatment which is entirely contactless. You will really just feel a warm sensation in the areas being treated, and this will last for a couple of hours after the treatment. You lie down throughout the entire treatment session, so it can actually be quite a relaxing experience. When treatment is completed you should see reductions to the measurement of your abdomen and the fleshy part of your thighs. Exact levels of reductions you should experience vary between every individual, so it's impossible to give precise measurements.
Results from the Vanquish ME treatments can be seen from around two or three weeks after your appointment, as your body will begin to eliminate fat cells naturally. Although for optimum results, you should have this treatment two to three months prior to any holiday you have planned.
Are there any side effects?
You won't experience any side effects from this treatment, as it's totally non-invasive. Indeed, many clients opt for the Vanquish ME treatment during their lunch breaks. Once you've had Vanquish ME treatments, the fat cells on your abdomen and thighs will vanish for good. You should not see any regeneration of these cells, unless your lifestyle and diet change considerably. Many clients find that treatment with Vanquish ME provides the honed body appearance they want, so take up regular exercise and workouts once they see these results. But you don't need to make any changes to your lifestyle or habits if you don't want to. To find out more, visit our website today.